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Tooth Restoration: Should I Have My Amalgam Fillings Replaced?

January 30, 2017

From time to time, we have a patient who is concerned about the safety of their amalgam-type filling(s), a tooth restoration that used to be quite common. The reason for concern is due to the mercury that is present in amalgams. Due to this, amalgams are often blamed for health issues like Autism, Alzheimer’s, and MS.

However, the ADA, FDA, and many other health organizations have made statements on the risks of these filligns. The ADA and FDA have both stated that they have not found any link between the aforementioned health problems and amalgam fillings. It is largely thought that any belief of a connection between amalgam fillings and health issues are incorrect. Additionally, there is no clinical evidence that if someone had not had an amalgam filling that they would not have suffered from Autism, Alzheimer’s, or MS. 

In March, 2002, the Food and Drug Administration made a statement on the safety of amalgam fillings. The statement was based on a study conducted by the FDA. This study proved that when you incorporate mercury with metals like silver, copper, and zinc, it forms a stable alloy. This alloy has been used by dentists for over one-hundred years and has restored millions of teeth. Recently, people have begun to worry about having amalgam fillings and the mercury that is present in their mouth. The ADA has stated that there is no evidence that small portions of mercury will cause any negative health effects.   

When considering the health facts of amalgams, you should note that it is possible to have an allergy to them. However, according to the ADA, even after being used millions of times, there have been less than one-hundred reported cases. Symptoms to an allergic reaction are similar to other allergies: hives and itchiness. In cases where people experienced an allergic reaction, they usually had knowledge of an intolerance to metals in the past.

Tooth Restoration

Dr. Faist does not use amalgam fillings

Mercury rich amalgam fillings have largely been replaced by composite fillings, which are glass filled tooth colored fillings.  They bond the tooth together much better and limit fracturing of teeth and are therefore a much better alternative to silver fillings.  Dr. Faist has not placed a silver filling since 1999, however, he will only replace silver fillings when there is something wrong with them.

Fell free to contact us if you have any question regarding amalgams or other tooth restorations. You can also call us today at our office in Beachwood, OH to schedule an appointment.

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